Salon savings and sustainability

If you landed here out of curiosity to learn how Europe’s leading brand of sustainable towel, now available in New Zealand, can bring a tonne of savings to your salon and the planet. You’ve come to the right place. We’ll also uncover how this luxury hair towel can have you and your team working smarter, not harder. 

@scrumminz |

Scrummi is a sustainable, biodegradable, single-use salon towel solution. So let’s cut to the chase. How can it save your pocket and the planet?

Scrummi savings

With Scrummi, you’ll save on electricity (less washing and drying your cotton and synthetic towels). You’ll save on not having to buy new towels when the old ones are worse for wear. You’ll save on detergent. And machine maintenance? Forget it! You’ll even save on staff time. Loading used dirty towels, adding detergent, drying and folding? Please, all chores of the past. As for our precious planet, Scrummi enables salons to make a change today. Those new towels you’re not buying aren’t going to landfill. That detergent you’re not buying means less to pollute our oceans. Best of all, your Scrummi towels completely biodegrade within 100 days – leaving zero impact after use.

So what’s the compromise? 

Sustainability often comes with compromise. And we get it, the safety of our planet conquers all. But with Scrummi, you can do your bit for the future while enjoying the effectiveness of a towel that's the thickest and most absorbent in the market, 10x more absorbent than cotton towels in fact.

Work smarter, not harder 

With Scrummi, the days of washing, drying and folding towels become a distant memory. Less time and energy spent on chores means more time and energy to spend on your clients - or perhaps you’ll just relish a calmer day. Scrummi allows you to work smarter, not harder. Simply wash your client’s hair as usual and wring out the excess water, then blot the hair with the unique super-absorbent waffle textured Scrummi towel. No rubbing required, just wrap the clean hair with the towel. When the client is ready for their showpiece to begin, remove the Scrummi towel and throw it away for it to begin its swift, safe, fully biodegradable journey. 

With all those savings to the planet and your hard-earned time and money, we’d place a pretty hefty bet that you’ve just met the sexiest salon towel on the market. 

Trial this leading brand of sustainable towel now and receive a 20% discount on your next Scrummi purchase.


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