You are Seen

Videris is a New Zealand-based lingerie brand with wellness, sustainable and ethical practices at its heart. The brand name aptly translates from Latin to ‘you are seen’. We sit down with founder Chloé Julian to talk creativity, colour and a few of her favourite things. 

Videris founder Chloe Julian
Woman posing at the beach in purple bikini

Your list of former clients has us starry-eyed; David Beckham, Agent Provocateur, Stella McCartney, and Vice President of Rihanna’s Savage X Fenty lingerie range. Why New Zealand and why now? 

I have spent most of my career working overseas but moving back home to New Zealand allowed me the space to develop the concept behind Videris Lingerie. It has been a really supportive environment to launch a brand.

How do you fuel your creativity? 

I have a huge collection of fashion, design and art books that I have collected over the years. If I need inspiration, this is usually the first place I turn to and will usually find something I haven’t seen before or see something in a new way. If I am feeling blocked and uninspired, then getting out in nature always clears my head. I have some of my best ideas when out walking.

Chloe Julian in studio measuring swimwear

You once said, “prioritising wellness and making more mindful choices in all areas of life can extend to our underwear”. Can you expand on this? 

Our lingerie covers the most intimate parts of our bodies yet the majority of it is made from laces, mesh and tulles which are plastic-based fibres; polyester and polyamide. These fibres don’t allow your skin to breathe and there’s also a hefty amount of toxic chemicals used in the production process. Videris Lingerie encourages our wearer to make a conscious choice. To choose natural, sustainable fabrics safely dyed in colours that can enhance, empower, or manifest a feeling or mood.

Your line has the dreamiest colour palette. Can you share a little on the colour psychology behind your pieces?

It’s no secret colours have the ability to alter our mood. The effects they can have on our behaviour, mood, habits, and wellbeing have been long studied and are fascinating. With the power to evoke optimism, calm, joy, and so many other positive emotions, why wouldn’t we take a little more time to consider how we incorporate certain colours into our everyday life, wardrobe, and more specifically, underwear. Each of our colours has specific properties that represent a spectrum of emotions and moods allowing you to create an intention for yourself each morning as you get dressed.

“If a concept is quite abstract others will only believe in it if I do too.”

What are some of your most beloved and cherished things?

I have a large collection of vintage lingerie and embroidery pieces collected from markets around the world. Some of these pieces couldn’t be created today; the skill has been lost with industrialisation. My most treasured piece is a bodice undergarment made by my great grandmother when she studied at the Royal College of Art.

What have you learnt about yourself in designing your own range?

To trust my intuition and gut. If a concept is quite abstract, others will only believe in it if I do too.

What dreams are you manifesting for the year ahead?

Growing Videris’s international presence and creating space for myself outside of being a business owner and mother. Giving myself ‘me time’ is one of the hardest things! 

@viderislingerie |

Interview by Brooke Duder


Hair Visionary


A life in Colour